segunda-feira, novembro 27, 2006

Ecce Homo -

Ecce Homo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "Ecce Homo
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For other uses, see Ecce Homo (disambiguation).

Ecce Homo by Quentin Massys, ca. 1520
Ecce Homo by Quentin Massys, ca. 1520

Ecce Homo (IPA: /'ɛttse 'homo/ or /'ɛkːe 'homo/;), are the Latin words used by Pontius Pilate in the Vulgate translation of the Gospel of John (19:5), when he presented a scourged Jesus Christ, bound and crowned with thorns, to a hostile crowd shortly before his Crucifixion. The original Greek is ιδου ο ανθρωπος (Idou ho Anthrôpos). The King James Version translates the phrase into English as Behold the Man.

The scene is a very popular motif in Christian art, and Ecce Homo can refer to any artistic work that depicts Jesus wearing the crown of thorns.

[edit] Ecce homo as an artistic motif

An ecce homo can refer to either:

* the actual illustration of the scene from John 19 (also called the scourging of Christ) which depicts at least Pilate and Christ himself, as well as the mocking crowd and parts of the city of Jerusalem.

* devotional pictures with Jesus as a lone, standing half or full figure with a purple robe, loincloth, crown of thorns and tortur"

Carpe diem - Wikipédia

"Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero
(colha o dia, confia o mínimo no amanhã) "

Página principal - Wikipédia

Página principal - Wikipédia: "Image:wbar_green2.jpg
image:Pp calendar 8bits.png Neste dia...
O telescópio espacial Hubble.

27 de Novembro :

* 1199 - Fundada a cidade da Guarda, Portugal, através de Foral de D. Sancho I.
* 1754 - A mais antiga referência que se tem do nome da cidade de Pittsburgh.
* 1941 - Batalha de Moscovo: forças alemãs finalmente avançaram para a posição mais a leste que puderam alcançar.
* 2001 - O Telescópio espacial Hubble (imagem) detecta hidrogénio na atmosfera do planeta Osíris, a primeira atmosfera planetária fora do nosso sistema solar a ser encontrada.

Nasceram neste dia...

* 1701 - Anders Celsius, astrônomo sueco, criador da escala Celsius de temperatura (m. 1744).
* 1942 - Jimi Hendrix, guitarrista estadunidense (m. 1970).

Faleceram neste dia...

* 1852 - Ada Lovelace, a primeira programadora de computadores (n. 1815).
* 1895 - Alexandre Dumas, filho, escritor francês (n. 1824)."

sexta-feira, novembro 24, 2006

Página principal - Wikipédia

Página principal - Wikipédia: "image:Pp calendar 8bits.png Neste dia...
Edição original de 'A Origem das Espécies' (1859).

24 de Novembro :

* 496 - Eleição do Papa Anastácio II.
* 1631 - A cidade de Olinda é incendiada pelos holandeses.
* 1642 - O explorador neerlandês Abel Tasman avista a ilha que anos mais tarde adotaria nome em sua homenagem (Tasmânia).
* 1859 - Publicado pela primeira vez o livro A Origem das Espécies (imagem), do naturalista britânico Charles Darwin.
* 1967 - Marechal Castello Branco promulga nova Constituição legitimando o governo militar no Brasil.

Nasceram neste dia...

* 1632 - Baruch de Espinoza, filósofo (m. 1677)
* 1925 - Simon van der Meer, físico dos Países Baixos.
* 1941 - Pete Best, primeiro baterista do grupo The Beatles.

Faleceram neste dia...

* 1963 - Lee Harvey Oswald, indiciado como assassino do Presidente Kennedy, é morto por Jack Ruby em Dallas, quando era transferido de prisão (n. 1939).
* 1991 - Freddie Mercury, vocalista da banda britânica Queen (n. 1946).
* 1991 - Eric Carr, baterista da banda norte-americana Kiss (n. 1950)."

quarta-feira, novembro 22, 2006

Página principal - Wikipédia

Página principal - Wikipédia: "22 de Novembro :

* 1718 - Na costa do estado americano da Virgínia, o pirata inglês Edward Teach, mais conhecido como 'Barbanegra', é morto em uma batalha levando mais de 25 tiros e golpes de facas.
* 1943 - O Líbano ganha a independência da França.
* 1963 - O presidente norte-americano John F. Kennedy (foto) é assassinado em um atentado ocorrido na cidade de Dallas, no Texas.
* 1968 - O grupo inglês The Beatles realiza o lançamento do Álbum Branco.
* 1975 - Juan Carlos foi designado Rei da Espanha.

Nasceram neste dia...

* 1869 - André Gide, escritor francês e Prémio Nobel da Literatura (m. 1951).
* 1890 - Charles de Gaulle, estadista francês (m. 1970) .
* 1973 - Eliana, cantora e apresentadora brasileira.

Faleceram neste dia...

* 1981 - Hans Adolf Krebs, médico bioquímico, descobridor do Ciclo de Krebs (n. 1900).
* 1997 - Michael Hutchence, cantor australiano e vocalista da banda INXS (n. 1960)."

Blog do Ligeirinho

Blog do Ligeirinho: "Seleção de jogos em Flash encontrados no site Na Faixa!


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3D Snake

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Bloody Pingu

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Jumpin Grabb It

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Kill Kenny

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Lost In Space

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MS Pacman

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Pacman 1

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Pacman 2

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terça-feira, novembro 21, 2006

BlogoBorges - Bobagens - Mensagem para você, direto do Google Maps! - Notícias

BlogoBorges - Bobagens - Mensagem para você, direto do Google Maps! - Notícias: "Leitura : 'Business Reading Comprehension'
Enviado por Márcio em 19/11/2006 7:14:32 (12 acessos)




Leitura Grátis
Leitura Livre"

YouTube - qual a diferença entre o poste, a mulher e o bambu?

Cornholio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cornholio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "# 'I am the Great Cornholio! I come from Lake Titicaca! M-heh heh, yeah, Titicaca! Titty-kaka!'
# 'I am Cornholio! I need TP for my bunghole!'
# 'I need TP for my bunghole...bunghole!
# 'Are you threatening me?'
# 'You will give me TP, bungholio!'
# 'I am Cornholio! I need TP for my Bunghole!'
# 'Are you threatening me? My bunghole will not wait!'
# 'You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole!'
# 'The principal! He will give me TP!'
# 'Do you have any TP? TP for my bunghole?'
# 'I am a gringo!'
# 'Trick or Treat, sonofabitch!!'
# 'I want all your 'crappucino'!'
# 'The streets will flow with the blood of the nonbelievers!'
# 'Come out with your pants down!'
# 'I'd hate for my bungholio to get polio!'
# 'Español? Es-bunghole!'
# 'You are a bunghole! And so am I! There will be more bungholes after me!'
# 'The bunghole! It is nothing to be ashamed of!'
# 'You must bow down to the Almighty bunghole!'
# 'You can take me, but you cannot take my bunghole! For I am the Great Cornholio! M-heh heh heh. I have no bunghole!'
# 'You cannot escape the Almighty Bunghole!
# 'Aaah, rolio...rolios for my bunghole!'
# 'You cannot run from your own bunghole'
# 'I shall claim "

quinta-feira, novembro 16, 2006

16 de Novembro :

Nasceram neste dia...

Faleceram neste dia...

conserva de pepino

Picles= Fermentação láctica, submersos em salmoura de concentração controlada. É uma fermentação natural, por ação das bact. Do gênero Leuconostoc e Lactobacillus do próprio vegetal. Prod. final pd ser = Ac. Acético, Ac. Láctico, álcool e CO2 . (microbiologia)

A fermentação lática é um importante método de preservação de alimentos a centenas de anos, entretanto com a modificação dos hábitos alimentares, os alimentos fermentados passaram a ter função de condimentos. Os mais importantes são: picles, chucrutes e azeitonas, com grande aceitação na região Sul do Brasil (........). As bactérias utilizadas industrialmente para fermentação lática são as anaeróbias e microaerófilas, para a produção de ácido acético, lático, glucônico, propiônico e outros, ou para a produção de alimentos como queijos, picles, chucrutes, vinagres, leites fermentados e outros. A produção de ácido lático é dada através das bactérias homoláticas do gênero Lactobacillus e Streptococcus. A espécie escolhida depende do carboidrato disponível e da temperatura a ser empregada (.....).


Os produtos mais utilizados são: pepino, cebolinha, couve flor, que pela ação das bactérias láticas transformam carboidratos do vegetal em acido lático originando os verdadeiros picles. A fermentação em salmoura a 10% por 4 a 6 semanas, aumentando-se gradativamente a concentração da salmoura para 15 a 17,5%. A fermentação lática inicia com lentidão estando no auge após 3 a 4 dias. Deve ser mantida a uma temperatura de 18 a 20ºC, podendo também ser compreendida entre 20 a 25ºC, com bons resultados. Com a fermentação deseja-se a transformação de substancias fermentáveis em acido lático atingindo uma acidez total de 0,6 a 0,8%, podendo atingir até 1,2%. No processo devem-se evitar fermentações secundarias principalmente a Butírica que pode oxidar o acido lático ocorrendo à formação de um filme branco à cinza. Após a fermentação é feita a lavagem para posteriormente receber alguns tratamentos específicos como:

• Picles azedo: vinagre com 4 à 5% de acidez;

• Picles doce: vinagre doce;

• Picles fermentados com aromatizantes: salmoura diluída com endro ou outra planta aromatizante.

segunda-feira, novembro 13, 2006

seven dirty words

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The seven dirty words are seven English words comedian George Carlin listed in his monologue "Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television", released in 1972 on his album Class Clown. At the time, the words were generally considered inappropriate for use on the public airwaves in the United States, particularly on over-the-air television and AM/FM radio stations. These words are generally censored instead. Carlin's original seven are (in his order of presentation):


* Fuck Off — offensive, "go away".
* Fuck Up — To damage something. Or if used as "He is such a fuck up." Someone who is a derelict or not ambitious.
* Fucked Up - when something or some situation is abnormal, broken, or unacceptable. Such as "The movie is canceled because the projector is fucked up."
* Fuckwit — A person who is particularly slow or unintelligent is said to be fuckwitted.
* For fuck's sake — As a substitute for "God" or another word.
* Fuckhead — derogatory remark suggesting someone is acting without thinking, is incompetent, or is just plain stupid.
* Fucktard — directed, offensive. A combination of fuck and the word retard. Widely used in online gaming environments.
* Fuck It - Expression to say "forget about it". It is used on an object or person saying "him" or "her" instead of "it"
* Fucking Eh - Offensive way of expressing exasperation. Also used as "fucken eh" and "fuckin A."

trabalhos atrasados


domingo, novembro 12, 2006

Notícias de Informática do Dia

Notícias de Informática do Dia

Controle da web é alvo de críticas no Congresso

O projeto que prevê a identificação obrigatória por dados pessoais para acessar a internet foi alvo de várias críticas durante seminário 'Internet para todos' na Câmara dos Deputados

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Mexicanos fizeram oferta por TIM Brasil

A mexicana América Móvil foi uma das companhias que fez oferta para a compra da TIM Brasil.

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Nokia diz que venderá celular com TV este mês

A maior fabricante de telefones móveis do mundo, Nokia, começará pela Ásia as vendas globais do novo modelo N92, nas próximas semanas, atingindo um mercado potencialmente lucrativo de aparelhos que recebem transmissões de emissoras de televisão.

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Quer trabalhar na Itália?

Recém-formados interessados em vivência profissional no exterior são o alvo do Projeto Brasil-Itália de intercâmbio de trabalho, que o Centro de Integração Empresa-Escola (CIEE) apresenta no próximo dia 9, em São Paulo.

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Azeredo defende projeto de controle da web
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Renan diz que"

Imagem:Venus de Milo.JPG - Wikipédia

Imagem:Venus de Milo.JPG - Wikipédia

12 de Novembro :

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Java refers to a number of computer software products and specifications from Sun Microsystems (the Java™ technology) that together provide a system for developing and deploying cross-platform applications. Java is used in a wide variety of computing platforms spanning from embedded devices and cell phones on the low end to enterprise servers and super computers on the high end. Java is fairly ubiquitous in cell phones, Web servers and enterprise applications, and somewhat less common in desktop applications, though users may have come across Java applets when browsing the Web.

For years, Sun Microsystems referred to Java as the "Java technology" but has used the word "Java" as an adjective about the technology. In practice, many programmers have used the word "Java" to mean the programming language, while the execution platform was called the "JRE" (Java Runtime Environment) and the compiler-system was called the "JDK" (Java Development Kit), rather than a "Java compiler" as such. The word "Java" has often been used as an adjective, but the formal term "Java technology" should be noted (see history below).



[edit] Major products and technologies

[edit] Programming language

Writing in the Java programming language is the standard way to produce code that will be deployed as Java bytecode (though there are compilers available for other languages such as Python and Ruby). Java syntax borrows heavily from C and C++ but it eliminates certain low-level constructs such as pointers and has a very simple memory model where every object is allocated on the heap and all variables of object types are references.

Java has non-object primitive types but every other data type is an object. The standard Java libraries provide wrapper objects for the primitive types, and since Java SE 5.0 the Java compiler automatically inserts conversions between a wrapper type and its corresponding primitive. Memory management is handled through integrated automatic garbage collection performed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

The upcoming version Mustang Java SE 6.0 is bundled with a database, facilitates use of other scripting languages (currently JavaScript using Mozilla's Rhino engine) with JVM, Visual Basic coding support, native UI enhancements especially to support the look and feel of Windows Vista .

As Sun microsystems is believed to be in a mood to open source Java within coming months, with features like MLP - Multi Language and Platform suppport, the future of Java seems bright.

Eclipse, the open-source platform with JDT supporting Java development funded mainly by IBM, has paved the way of easy application development using Java as a platform, in competition with Microsoft tools.

[edit] Platform

Main article: Java platform

The Java platform consists of a Java virtual machine and implementations of the standard libraries. In order to allow for different types of system there are now three versions. Sun refers to their implementation of the Java platform as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

  • Java ME (Micro Edition): Specifies several different sets of libraries (known as profiles) for devices which are sufficiently limited that supplying the full set of Java libraries would take up unacceptably large amounts of storage.
  • Java SE (Standard Edition): For general purpose use on desktop PCs, servers and similar devices.
  • Java EE (Enterprise Edition): Java SE plus various APIs useful for multi-tier client-server enterprise applications.

[edit] Java Development Kit

Main article: Java Development Kit

The Java Development Kit (JDK) is a Sun product aimed at Java developers. Since the introduction of Java, it has been by far the most widely used Java SDK. It contains a Java compiler and a number of other important development tools as well as a full copy of the Java Runtime Environment.

[edit] History

[edit] Early history

Duke, Java's mascot
Duke, Java's mascot

The Java platform and language began as an internal project at Sun Microsystems in December of 1990, providing an alternative to the C++/C programming languages, with the new Green Operating System (OS) and a related language internally called Oak in 1992, later renamed to Java in 1994, since Oak was already trademarked.

Back in 1990, Engineer Patrick Naughton had become increasingly frustrated with the state of Sun's C++ and C APIs (application programming interfaces) and tools. While considering moving to NeXT, Naughton was offered a chance to work on new technology and thus the Stealth Project was started.

The Stealth Project was soon renamed to the Green Project with James Gosling and Mike Sheridan joining Naughton. Together with other engineers, they began work in a small office on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, California. They were attempting to develop a new technology for programming next generation smart appliances, which Sun expected to be a major new opportunity.

The team originally considered using C++, but it was rejected for several reasons. Because they were developing an embedded system with limited resources, they decided that C++ demanded too large a footprint and that its complexity led to developer errors. The language's lack of garbage collection meant that programmers had to manually manage system memory, a challenging and error-prone task. The team was also troubled by the language's lack of portable facilities for security, distributed programming, and threading. Finally, they wanted a platform that could be easily ported to all types of devices.

Bill Joy had envisioned a new language combining the best of Mesa and C. In a paper called Further, he proposed to Sun that its engineers should produce an object-oriented environment based on C++. Initially, Gosling attempted to modify and extend C++ (which he referred to as "C++ ++ --") but soon abandoned that in favor of creating an entirely new language, which he called Oak, after the tree that stood just outside his office.

The team worked long hours and by the summer of 1992, they were able to demonstrate portions of the new platform including the Green OS, the Oak language, the libraries, and the hardware. Their first attempt, demonstrated on September 3, 1992, focused on building a PDA device named Star7[1] which had a graphical interface and a smart agent called "Duke" to assist the user. In November of that year, the Green Project was spun off to become FirstPerson, Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sun Microsystems, and the team relocated to Palo Alto, California. The FirstPerson team was interested in building highly interactive devices, and when Time Warner issued an RFP for a set-top box, FirstPerson changed their target and responded with a proposal for a set-top box platform. However, the cable industry felt that their platform gave too much control to the user and FirstPerson lost their bid to SGI. An additional deal with The 3DO Company for a set-top box also failed to materialize. Unable to generate interest within the TV industry, the company was rolled back into Sun.

[edit] Java meets the Internet

In June and July of 1994, after three days of brainstorming with John Gage, James Gosling, Bill Joy, Patrick Naughton, Wayne Rosing, and Eric Schmidt, the team re-targeted the platform for the Web. They felt that with the advent of the Mosaic browser, the Internet was on its way to evolving into the same highly interactive medium that they had envisioned for cable TV. As a prototype, Naughton wrote a small web browser, WebRunner, later renamed HotJava.

That year, the language was renamed Java after a trademark search revealed that the name "Oak" was used by a manufacturer of video adaptor cards (Oak Technology). The name Java was coined at a local coffee shop frequented by some of the members. It is not clear whether the name is an acronym or not; although some accounts claim that it stands for the names of James Gosling, Arthur Van Hoff, and Andy Bechtolsheim, or Just Another Vague Acronym, it is generally accepted that "Java" does not stand for anything. Lending credence to the idea that Java owes its name to the products sold at the coffee shop is the fact that the first 4 bytes (the so-called "Magic number") of any class file are, in hexadecimal, 0xCAFEBABE.

In October of 1994, HotJava and the Java platform was demonstrated for some of the Sun executives. Java 1.0a was made available for download in 1994, but the first public release of Java and the HotJava web browser was on May 23, 1995, at the SunWorld conference. The announcement was made by John Gage, the Director of Science for Sun Microsystems. His announcement was accompanied by a surprise announcement by Marc Andreessen, Executive Vice President of Netscape, that Netscape would be including Java support in its browsers. On January 9, 1996, the JavaSoft group was formed by Sun Microsystems in order to develop the technology.[2] A few weeks later the first version of Java was released.

[edit] Recent history

[edit] Desktop use

On the desktop, stand-alone Java applications remain relatively rare for several reasons.[3]

  • Java applications often use more memory than native applications because of the overhead for the Java runtime.
  • Graphical user interfaces for Java applications tend not to follow the platform-specific Human Interface Guidelines the user is accustomed to. Font smoothing is disabled by default, which makes text look low quality.
  • The free tools provided in the Java Development Kit are not powerful enough to easily build useful applications, although a variety of other powerful free and commercial tools are available.
  • There are several versions of the Java Runtime Environment. A user must have installed the version required by an application (or any newer version) before installation.

Standalone applications have fallen out of favor as computing has switched to a Web-based model. New programming techniques have produced powerful Web applications. However, there are some Java applications in fairly widespread use, including the NetBeans and Eclipse integrated development environments, and file sharing clients such as LimeWire and Azureus. Java is also used in the MATLAB mathematics program for rendering the user interface and for part of the calculation functionality. Java Swing and SWT desktop applications are being developed as an alternative to Microsoft .NET technology.

[edit] Mobile devices

Java applications have become popular in mobile devices, where it competes with Symbian and BREW.

With Symbian, any developer can write and publish applications without paying a royalty. Symbian smartphones are the market leader with around 85% of the smartphone market.

BREW applications have access to routines which can add a charge to the telephone bill of the user. This power necessitates a strict approvals procedure managed by Qualcomm, which collects royalties for each BREW license given and controls which applications can be launched. Many CDMA vendors have opted for BREW, encouraged by their control over users' content by means of a walled garden technique, which some carriers believe will increase their profits. The main exception to this is the American CDMA carrier Sprint Nextel Corporation.

Like Symbian, developers can publish Java programs without paying a royalty. The penetration for Java is significantly higher than for Symbian, as it works on a wider range of phones, particularly popular cheaper models. This has allowed third-parties to create free applications like Opera Mini. Most GSM wireless carriers around the world use Java.

As Java runs in a sandbox, it is safe to allow independent developers to release their own software. The diversity of Java for mobile phones has led to a need for Java standards specifically for mobiles phones so programs can run on phones from different suppliers - MIDP. The first standard was MIDP 1, which assumed a small screen size, no access to audio, and a 32kB program limit. The more recent MIDP 2 allows access to audio, and up to 64kB for the program size. With handset designs improving more rapidly than the standards, some manufacturers relax some limitations in the standards, for example, maximum program size.

[edit] Java runtime availability

Sun claims the Java Runtime Environment is found on over 700 million PCs and is highly valued by end-users.[1] Microsoft has not bundled a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) with its operating systems since Sun Microsystems sued Microsoft[2] for adulterating the bundled Java platforms, making them produce code specifically crafted to run only on Microsoft Windows. Still, many manufacturers of Microsoft Windows systems continue to include a JRE when they ship their systems. It is also shipped as standard on Apple's Mac OS X, as well as most Linux distributions. Because of incompatibilities between different versions of the JRE, rather than rely on pre-installed JREs, many applications install their own JREs in order to function predictably. Java applets can detect which version of Java they are running on and the high level of compatibility[verification needed] between different versions of Java ensures it is a simple matter[verification needed] to support older versions of Java whilst making use of the additional features of later versions.

[edit] Version history

Main article: Java version history
Java Web Start, first introduced for J2SE 1.3, allows provisioning applications over the Web by clicking a desktop icon or a link on a website.
Java Web Start, first introduced for J2SE 1.3, allows provisioning applications over the Web by clicking a desktop icon or a link on a website.

The Java language has undergone several changes since JDK (Java Development Kit) 1.0 as well as numerous additions of classes and packages to the standard library. Since J2SE 1.4, the evolution of the Java Language has been governed by the Java Community Process (JCP), which uses Java Specification Requests (JSRs) to propose and specify additions and changes to the Java platform. The language is specified by the Java Language Specification (JLS); changes to the JLS are managed under JSR 901.

  • Java SE 6 — Codename Mustang. As of 2006 this is currently in development under JSR 270. Beta versions were released in February and June 2006 and are available at The final release is planned for the first week of December 2006. New builds including enhancements and bug fixes are released approximately weekly. As of this version, Sun replaced the name "J2SE" with Java SE and dropped the ".0" from the version number.[5]. Major changes to be included in this version :
  • Java SE 7 — Codename Dolphin. This is in the early planning stages. The Dolphin Project started up in August, with release estimated in 2008. New builds including enhancements and bug fixes are released approximately weekly.[6]

In addition to the language changes, much more dramatic changes have been made to the Java class library over the years, which has grown from a few hundred classes in JDK 1.0 to over three thousand in J2SE 5.0. Entire new APIs, such as Swing and Java2D, have been introduced, and many of the original JDK 1.0 classes and methods have been deprecated.

[edit] Licensing

Sun Microsystems is often being criticised for making various statements in their marketing materials that frequently misdirect the less cautious readers into believing that Java is Free software. While there are third-party projects aiming to create Free software Java implementations (for example GCJ and Apache Harmony), Richard M. Stallman has frequently confirmed that Sun's own implementation and distribution of Java could not be considered as Free software. [7].

However, it should be considered that although Sun's implementation of the Java technology is not Free software, its specifications are published and are governed by an open process called JCP (Java Community Process).

Sun announced in JavaOne 2006 that Java will become Open Source. The point of contention with Sun is how they want to open source Java without facilitating an incompatible fork. This can be illustrated by a post-JavaOne comment from Jonathan Schwartz, Sun's CEO, on his blog : "we're now making serious progress on open sourcing Java (and despite the cynics, using a GPL license is very much *on* the table), while focusing the debate on what matters most: not access to lines of code (that's already widely available), but ensuring compatibility." [8]

On October 25, 2006, at the Oracle OpenWorld conference, Jonathan Schwartz said that Sun was set to announce the open-sourcing of the core Java Platform within 30 to 60 days, presumably under a CDDL license [9].

[edit] See also